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Showing posts from March, 2021

Why are circuit parties being frowned upon?

The circuit parties that were once held as small and intimate affairs to strengthen solidarity and make political statements within the LGBTQ community for the discrimination that they face have now blown the charts to become one of the highest attended and most expensive well-known parties that have now somehow lost their original meaning.  In such parties, Leather tank top are very common. For those of you who do not know what a white party or a circuit party is let us help you out. The term "White Party" refers to a series of annual circuit parties aimed at the LGBT community. It gets its name from the insistence that partygoers wear Leather tank top or almost all white. It usually lasts all night and into the next day, with a host of related activities taking place in the days leading up to and after the main event. It takes places in a number of places all over the world annually.  Another aspect of these circuit parties being frowned upon is the toxic masculinity ...